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how to Calculate Cut-off marks for Engineering Admissions TNEA 2012

TN Engineering Cut-Off Marks

The Engineering cut-off marks will be calculated as,
Subjects Total Marks Cut-off Calculation Cut-Off Marks
Mathematics 200 200/2 100
Physics 200 200/4 50
Chemistry 200 200/4 50
Engineering Cut-Off 200/200
For example, if a student secured 197 in Mathematics, 173 in Physics and 176 in Chemistry, then the Engineering Cut-off marks of that student will be as follows
Subjects Total Marks Cut-off Calculation Cut-Off Marks
Mathematics 200 197/2 98.50
Physics 200 173/4 43.25
Chemistry 200 176/4 44
Engineering Cut-Off of this candidate 187.75 / 200
The cut-off marks will be generally in the order of 0.25, 0.5, 0.75 will be considered for ranking. The candidates should not round of this mark. For example, it will be in the order of 200, 199.75, 199.5, 199.25,.... And so on. Every 0.25 marks will be the crucial one while considered for ranking. 

Ranking of Students with same Cut-off Marks

In the below table, All the eight students have got same cut-off marks of 197.75. All the eight students secured same marks in mathematics i.e., 200/200. Of these, only 4 students secured same marks in physics, then considering their Chemistry again the same 4 students secured the same marks in chemistry too. Finally, when considering their Biology or Computer Science, their 4th Optional subject, there is a difference in that subject, then Ramesh secured the highest mark on this 4th optional subject considered in the first ranking on that category.
No. Student Name Physics Chem-istry Bio/ Com.Sci Maths Cut-off mark
Physics Chemistry Maths Engg.
1 Ramesh 194 197 195 200 48.5 49.25 100 197.75
2 Radhika 194 197 188 200 48.5 49.25 100 197.75
3 Suresh 194 197 187 200 48.5 49.25 100 197.75
4 Stella 194 197 180 200 48.5 49.25 100 197.75
5 Kumaran 193 198 200 200 48.25 49.5 100 197.75
6 Saravanan 193 198 196 200 48.25 49.5 100 197.75
7 Raja 193 198 195 200 48.25 49.5 100 197.75
8 Meyyappan 193 198 189 200 48.25 49.5 100 197.75
Even if the 4th subject mark might be the same, then the student's Date of Birth (DOB) will be considered for giving preference to the one whoever born earlier. Even there is more than one member on the same DOB, then the higher Random number assigned by the Anna University will be considered first in that category.


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